Product News

Hanshow’s Dominance in the Electronic Shelf Label Market

Within the quickly changing retail sector, digitalization has emerged as a critical success factor. Among the innovative technologies transforming the retail landscape, electronic shelf labels and digital price tags have garnered significant attention. As retailers strive to reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, and enhance the customer experience, Hanshow, a pioneering digital technology provider, has emerged as a global leader in the electronic shelf label market. With a strong presence across the globe, Hanshow continues to revolutionize the retail industry with its cutting-edge solutions.

Global Expansion and Establishing a Strong Foothold

Hanshow’s journey in the ESL market began in 2012 when the company was founded in China. Recognizing the potential of ESL technology, Hanshow quickly expanded its operations beyond its home country. In 2017 and 2018, subsidiaries were established in France and Germany, respectively, enabling the company to tap into the European market. This strategic expansion allowed Hanshow to cater to the needs of retailers across various regions and establish a strong foothold in the ESL market.

Expansion into Key Markets

To further strengthen its global presence, Hanshow made significant moves in recent years. In 2019, the company established its European operations base in Amsterdam, reflecting its commitment to serving the European market. This move facilitated closer collaboration with European retailers and provided localized support. Additionally, in 2021, Hanshow expanded its reach by establishing a subsidiary in the United States, solidifying its position in the North American market.

Driving Retail Transformation

Hanshow’s ESL solutions have been instrumental in helping retailers address the challenges they face in the modern retail landscape.  By providing digital technology that enables stores to reduce operational costs, increase sales, and enhance the customer experience, Hanshow has positioned itself as a valuable partner in the retail industry’s digital transformation journey.


Hanshow’s remarkable journey in the electronic shelf label market demonstrates the company’s commitment to helping retailers navigate the challenges of the modern retail landscape. With its global expansion and establishment of subsidiaries in key markets, Hanshow has solidified its position as a global leader in retail digitalization. By providing cutting-edge ESL solutions that enable retailers to reduce costs, increase sales, and enhance the customer experience, Hanshow continues to shape the future of retail, empowering retailers worldwide to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

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